Thrifty Debutante taking my Thrifty ways Overseas
Hello Loveys:
Oh I am still full from Taco Tuesday!!
I need a break and maybe do some exercise today!
As you all know I do love to be out and about, love to shop, drink wine, people watch all on a dime. In an earlier post I announced I am taking an epic European adventure this September. So now I need to really focus on how to make my Dollar stretch!
My first adventure takes me to of the most expensive countries in the world!
It has been a dream of mine for 6 years. I have been spending countless hours reading blogs, tips, advice, youtube videos anything I can read and absorb.
Here is what I have learned so far.
After my trips I will post if I passed or failed with my thrifty attempts!
(Thrifty tips to follow later for England and France)
-Buy wine and liquor at the Duty Free Shop. REPEAT DUTY FREE SHOP!!!!
Alcohol is not available for purchase in Grocery Stores (from what I have read).
And a bottle of Vodka that retails for $20 in the US goes for $85 in Iceland! Now that will break my bank!
-Download the Appy Hour will post dates and times of bars in Reykjavik that are offering Happy Hour or Drink specials. A beer can cost as much as $12.
-Book accommodations thru Air BnB. Hotels are priced between 400-500 a night for the dates I am visiting. Rates do drop after September but also does the temperature. I found a great ocean front guest cottage for $120 a night and it includes a hearty breakfast. YUMYY! Plus there is a slight possibility to see the Northern Lights from the property.

-Borrow winter I live in Palm Beach and do not vacation where the weather is typically so cold and windy. But lots of my friends are avid skiers. Reach out to your friends to borrow their Northface jackets or waterproof clothing if possible.
-I have heard it rains a lot and the trips to the hundreds of waterfalls you and your camera equipment will get wet!!! I am purchasing clear shower caps to go around my camera. They are cheap and have the elastic to fit snuggly around my camera:)
Also, from the app Wish, I purchased waterproof cases for my Iphone for $1. (make sure to test before using)
-Shop at BONUS supermarket. It seems this is the most budget friendly supermarket. Load up on local goods and lots of snacks to keep in the car. Again most Air BnBs have small kitchens so you can save money by only going out for select meals.
-DO NOT buy bottled water! Any local will tell you Iceland has the cleanest water in the world. Take your water bottle and fill it up directly from a stream or the tap.
-FREE walking tours. Numerous locals offer free walking tours of downtown Reykjavik, not only will you have an awesome time but might make a new friend by the end!
-Research local museums. A few offer free entry on certain dates or discounts for students. (great for when it may be too windy or cold outside).
If you have any tips or advice for my first trip to Iceland please share!
I plan on renting a car and road tripping to the Golden Circle and possibly Vik.
Ta ta for now,
The Thrifty Debutante