Simple accessory adds flair and sun protection!

Season is quickly ending and the Florida Sunshine has reminded us that Summer is just around the corner!! Living in Florida year round every Darling must learn how to dress to maximize sun protection and be fabulous at the same time.
My favorite Spring/Summer accessory is a Parasol. Not only are they extemly affordabke but also make you stand out in the crowd. I find Parsols transport me to a different era....when ladies dressed like ladies and gentleman came ot court us. I promise when you carry a Parasol you will walk with your head held higher and shoulders back.
Now, I dont carry a Parasol everywhere. But I do bring it to Botanical Gardens, outdoor festivals, theme parks and on evening strolls. I keep one in my car at all times and a couple at home. I have now acquired a beautful collection. Another plus...if you ever entertain at home Japanese Parasols make for a clever and cheap decoration! Simply hang them upside down and Voila a new type of celing!!!
Ta Ta for now!!!
The Thrifty Debutante