The weekend is upon us!!!!!
Hello Darlings:
It is finally Friday! The day most of us look forward to the most! It signals the end of another long hard week and the beginning of another fun filled weekend with many adventures!
I take my Friday mornings very seriously as I sip on my green tea with lemon and honey. Lots of ideas running through my head as I plan my weekend itinerary. Happy Hour? Comedy Club? Art gallery opening? Shopping the local consignment store? Farmers Market? The possibilities are endless!
Well, I must admit this Friday I already have my weekend plans :) My lovely friends from across the “pond” have returned to the States for the Miami International Art Fair:
The Miami International Art Fair – MIA is devoted to exhibiting the most innovative and groundbreaking artworks of the 20th and 21st centuries. Showcasing the icons that broke boundaries and forged new paths in the arts alongside emerging and established living artists continuing to explore and experiment with new ideas and mediums, expanding the platform for collectors to discover new talents in the visual arts. In its fifth year the fair gathers a selection of the world’s forward-thinking international galleries and local cultural institutions with an exceptional program of arts events and an educational lecture and panel series.
The 228’ floating exhibition venue will dock at 100 Chopin Plaza at Bayfront Park next to the InterContinental Hotel for the duration of the show.
Now remember I am the Thrifty Debutante so while I may imagine the day I will be able to attend these shows as a paying patron who is strolling the many fine galleries on the hunt for a new piece for my pied a terre, sadly I will be attending for the free champagne and all around fabulous festivities.
My lovely friends have saved me and my traveling companion tickets to board the amazing Seafair Yacht (cost $40 million $). So this Saturday evening I will be rubbing elbows with the who’s who is in the art world, sipping champagne and admiring pieces I soon would like to own.
My next obstacle is finding the perfect outfit! I guess my plans for Friday are already decided! I will be spending the evening drinking wine and raiding my closet!
I hope to see you aboard the Seafair!
Stay Thrifty my friends,
The Thrifty Debutante