The "Season" is here darlings!
The “season” is here!!! If you are a Palm Beach local…then I do not need to explain this term. To the outsiders this is the time of year where every waking hour is spent at a gala, charity event, art gallery, pop up Designer store, Polo on Sundays, and brunch at the Breakers or Table 26.
This is also the most expensive part of the year which runs from January to April. Now I am not a trust fund baby or come from a wealthy family. I work hard so I can play hard. Also, being good looking and having well to do friends does help.
I will slowly start to share my secrets and adventures in Palm Beach of how to live large on a small budget. Everything from attending events to food to fashion. I have you covered!
Ta Ta for now darlings,
The Thrifty Debutante